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Day 1 Exploration in Eve-Online - 16-05-2017

Hello everyone and welcome to my first blog post!

I am Kylana and I do exploration in Eve-Online and I will share here my daily adventures (and stupidities) and my income per trip.                                   

My Eve Online Daily Loot Report from Wormholes

Wasting Time - Eve Online style


I haven't been playing for long but I have read a lot and I know all those exploration tutorials say "You should always scan down a C1, C2, C3 wormhole!" and "Avoid C4, C5"  okay? Makes sense but they tend to forget how you can find out what a C1 is for example.

So today I was scanning down a wormhole and only found gas sites, wormholes, and a few sleeper sites that I can't do. 30 minutes later I was still at 0 ISK and annoyed. I moved through another wormhole and another 30 minutes later I was still at 0 ISK :(

So I asked on rookie chat and as expected nobody gives the answer you are looking for so spend some time googling and found the answer!

How to find out what class wormhole you are in!


There are two ways I have discovered to do so; Apparently each wormhole classification is color coded, or you use a website named Tripwire which will tell you what it is.

1) Pretty colors!


Wormholes do have lovely colors but apparently it wasn't just for show but also tells you what kind of wormhole it is. I am not going go into detail and just share the link from the UniWiki because to me they all look the same just slightly different shades of purple/blue and the longer I sit in front of a WH deciding if it is a shade of blue or purple the longer I allow others to gank me.

2) Tripwire


Tripwire is a 3rd party program that helps you map wormholes. You will need to use one of your API codes for it but it is pretty easy to setup. Once you have done that each time you hop into a wormhole it will map it and show you which class it is.

Now I read somewhere that it isn't very accurate but all my C4/C5 wormholes showed directly and my last wormhole was a C1 and that indeed gave me the loot I wanted and needed. So 100% accurate so far and I will keep you up to date on that.

My first C1 wormhole of the day!


So after an hour and some researching and learning from my mistake I finally found a C1 wormhole which included 2 data sites and 1 relic site. I fly a Heron which is fitting with a data/relic Analyzer 1 so I can scan both.

I lost about 6 million by screwing up hacks, one time was my own mistake by clicking too fast :(
The other one was a data site. At the start I had two roads, go up or go right. Each click I did was a 50/20 virus in the way so I failed that hack under 3 seconds :/



My 2 hour trip resulted in a decent 27,800,000 ISK run


Overall I am not very satisfied with this run but ISK is ISK, I learned a lot from it so guess that is profit as well.

Thanks for reading!



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Author: Kylana Damunchi
Kylana Damunchi is an Eve-Online explorer,hopping from one wormhole to the next.