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Bad Luck

I just wanted to show you all the following picture and how it annoys me to no-end, see the explanation below

The wormhole I was in had about 12 signatures that needed to be scanned. 5 of them were Gas sites so those were ignored.

I then managed to pull 6 wormholes which were all just gate-ways to Low sec/high sec and 1 to a very null-sec area I quickly ran from.

Which left me with a Superior Blood Raider Covers Research data site. Now if you read my wormhole guide it says that Blood Raider Data sites have no NPC's in them.

However there are also sites like the one above that have the word "research" in them that will ruin your day.

Quote from this site:

NPC's, Spawn and Trigger Information


Ghost Site Timer: 120 seconds from initiating a hack or cargo scan on a container, or 60 seconds upon initiating a hack on the special data site. The timer will also start upon cargo scanning the containers.

Equipment Needed: Data Analyzer.

Hackable Containers: 4 spaced about 10-20km apart.
    (During hacking: Firewall points are ~80-90 difficulty  and tools in the code can be picked up to a max of 3.)
Known Loot: High-grade Ascendancy Epsilon Blueprint 'Wetu' Mobile Depot Blueprint

Warning: Upon failing to hack a can, it explodes and damages/destroys your ship. Considerable damage, took a Navy Vexor with 30K EHP armor tank to 50% armor)

When the Ghost Site Timer expires roughly 10 Serpentis ships spawn, and they do warp scram. (And murder you)



Stay away from them or be prepared to lose your ship! You have been warned.


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Author: Kylana Damunchi
Kylana Damunchi is an Eve-Online explorer,hopping from one wormhole to the next.