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A Guide to Wormholes in Eve Online

Where will this one go?


How do I find wormholes?


Finding wormholes is pretty easy, each system has a 90% chance to spawn one so all you need to do is scan scan scan and hope you find one.

Once you find one you can fly towards it click on the information button to see what type it is like the picture below:

1. Security System


The sentence at point 1 indicates where the wormhole is going to. You have four choices here:
  1. High Sec
  2. Low Sec
  3. Null Sec
  4. Unknown Space
Us explorers are always looking for either Null Sec space or Unknown Space because those have the best Relic/Data sites which means more ISK.

2. When will the wormhole collapse?


Point 2 shows a sentence which will give you an indication on when the wormhole collapses, once it does it means it goes away and you can't go through it.. or fly back home.

"Not yet begun" - You have more than 24 hours!
"Beginning to decay" - You have between 24 and 4 hours!
"Reaching the end" - Less than 4 hours before collapse.
"On the verge" - Minutes

3. Stability + Ship Size


Since we are flying frigates to explore the ship size isn't really important, what is important to me is the amount of ships that ran through it making the wormhole active. There are two downsides to an active wormhole.
  1. The more ships flying through it the faster it will collapse.
  2. You don't want anyone there to gank you and steal your loot!

You went through it, now what?


 First thing you must do is make a waypoint at the wormhole, do not forget! If you do forget you will have to scan every signature in the wormhole to find your way back home and trust me it aint fun.

What I then do is warp to the furthest planet in the wormhole and warp to it at 50KM distance, during flight I will make another waypoint and call this one " Safe Mid"  and that is where I relax.

Another important thing is to always keep your D-Scan (default button V) up and scan every 20 seconds (Press V again) and keep an eye out for other players. Usually other T1 frigates aren't dangerous but an Astero will eat you alive.

I found a Relic/Data site! Now what?


Check the name! You only want sites that include the following names:

  • Sansha (best loot from these)
  • Guristas
  • Serpentis
  • Angels
  • Blood
Avoid these at all cost unless you fly an Astero and know what you do:

  • Unsecured
  • Perimeter
  • Sleeper

Only Relic sites or also Data?


As of this moment (15th of May 2017) the best sites are Relic ones that give the best loot with the least weight. However it is totally up to you whether you want to do both or just Relic ones.

I do both because Data sites sometimes drop blueprints that you can sell for 3 to 12 million and in my opinion everything above 1 million in loot is just pure profit for me.

How to find out what class wormhole you are in!


There are two ways I have discovered to do so; Apparently each wormhole classification is color coded, or you use a website named Tripwire which will tell you what it is.

1) Pretty colors!


Wormholes do have lovely colors but apparently it wasn't just for show but also tells you what kind of wormhole it is. I am not going go into detail and just share the link from the UniWiki because to me they all look the same just slightly different shades of purple/blue and the longer I sit in front of a WH deciding if it is a shade of blue or purple the longer I allow others to gank me.

2) Tripwire


Tripwire is a 3rd party program that helps you map wormholes. You will need to use one of your API codes for it but it is pretty easy to setup. Once you have done that each time you hop into a wormhole it will map it and show you which class it is.

Now I read somewhere that it isn't very accurate but all my C4/C5 wormholes showed directly and my last wormhole was a C1 and that indeed gave me the loot I wanted and needed. So 100% accurate so far and I will keep you up to date on that.
