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Day 2 of the Eve Online Wormhole Exploration

It has taken me quite some wormholes but finally managed to find a killer container! :D

The journey


I haven't changed my plan yet I go to a  <0.6 area find a wormhole and go from through, this time to my surprise I went 4 wormholes deep to finally find the best container so far.

It had this beautiful amount of 21 million  isk of loot and that in 1 go my personal record so far!

Now of course the challenge is to go beyond that but I did notice many wormholes with timers less than 4 hours so I think after the reset many will be gone or about to be gone and not really worth my time.

My loot this trip


As you can see the total amount of loot I had this trip was 48.900.000 ISK which is my personal best as well. If I keep this up 500 plex will be mine very very soon :)

Fly safe!


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Author: Kylana Damunchi
Kylana Damunchi is an Eve-Online explorer,hopping from one wormhole to the next.